Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday, Already!

 It is a meager start but I planted a single hardy geranium in each of the three pots.  I quickly picked them up this morning while my wife picked up plants for a big planter at the front door.  I know that my things are just works in progress.  I may plant marigold seeds around the geraniums.  It depends on how much patience I have with that.

My neighbors to my flower garden have this one growing next door. I have decided that it is a dianthus.  It is a small form of them but it does have all the characteristics of it.  It keeps spreading each year. 

My pink rose is going to have a great number of blooms on it.  I keep telling the story that I had it in the shade for a year and it was so small.  When I moved it out into the sun it really started to grow.  It is crowding out iris as well as some daylilies.  i will be moving iris to give it more room to spread out.  It also is a little crowded by a peony but I can just clip back the peony without doing harm to it. 

We are going to hit  80° F. today.  It is starting to look more like summer now.  We will see rain maybe by Thursday.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Yes warm up here too. I mowed today. That is one beauty of a rose!
