Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Starts......


The first iris to bloom.  It has a buddy plant five feet away in another garden and it too has one bloom.  This glob is made up of four different blooms.



A potential bloom may come in the morning.  Its partner plant a few feet away also has eight blooms ready to open. 

One of my favorite hosta plants is showing off already. I have planted more of this elsewhere and it too looks good. 

I remember that I had planted these there last summer. I mulched over them because only two of them were up. Surprised yesterday to see all the others just sprouted through the mulch unhindered. It should look great there if they develop this summer and fill in the whole area. 

There is a duck story that I could tell today but I am not going to today.  The pair showed up again this year at my neighbors pool. 

I worked in the yard today with limited strength so I just stopped and came in to blog. It is frustrating when a spreader is too much for me.  Maybe tomorrow I can do the rest of the yard.  It is going to be a warm day for us today.  I had to turn on the air conditioning unit at ten this morning.  We have had an inch and a half of rain and it is very humid out there today.   Thanks for checking in today.


  1. You are looking quite summery! You have plants coming up all over and blooming too!
