Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tuesday's Things.....


The leaf structure of the locust tree is completely different than most trees.  I like the fern-like shapes that develop overnight giving one a tree of lace-like textures.  I didn't plant this one but am so glad that he did.  My memories of the old fashion locust on the farm was lots of thorns falling on the ground and it was horrible to walk under the two trees with bare feet.  



The last days of the multi-petaled tulip develops into an open flower before the petals start to drop.

The blooms on my bleeding heart are pathetic.  I am going to nurture the plant with better top soil and maybe a protection barrier to keep the neighbor plants out of its area.  It did bloom well a couple of years ago but the two full summers of drought has done a lot of damage to a lot of my plants. 

A northeaster bluebell that I moved to the back of the house a couple of years ago is now producing blooms.  I like to move things around a lot in case the original plant fails.  I have a peony that didn't grow well for my former neighbor was moved to the back gardens and I am going to have blooms this year.  I don't think I have ever seen it bloom the past five years.  Clay soil can be so hard on some plants. 

I finished spreading my turf builder product in the backyard this morning.  I had the strength to do it all at once.  After a rest I then spread grass seed in needed areas and put scatterings of new loose top soil on it to encourage it to grow.  The grass was so wet this morning that I soaked my socks, shoes and pant legs while pushing around the spreader.  I didn't know it was so wet but it still worked good.  The dandelion pictured above was enjoying its life in my flower garden. The soil was so good I could pull the whole thing by hand.   There may be stray roots that still survived but I did get rid of the mother plant.  



The phlox is fading now but it has been a great show for the spring.  I worked out there this morning pulling grass and weeds.  I also put potting soil in bad areas of the yard.  I then seeded the spots hoping they grass will grow better.  It is a cloudy day and I can see we are going to warm up as much as they say we will be.  Thanks for checking in today.

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