Saturday, May 27, 2023

New Blooms.....

 This is one of the last of my cemetery iris to bloom. It is one of my favorites of all of my collection. I like the contrast of colors. The line decoration on the falls of this match the others.

This cemetery iris is in bloom right now too.  I discovered that I have it planted in two different locations which I am glad to have it. 

This bloom was commercially sold on line.  It reminds me of the one cemetery iris that I had that looked like this.  It seems to be too small to be from the exact same line.  Maybe another year it will grow bigger and I will think it is from the same line.  If I were able to travel to a certain cemetery in southern Iowa I am sure I could get a rhizome of the authentic old ones. 

I have the red peony blooming but I was surprised to see this old fashion peony also is now starting to bloom. I brought this down from my old place and it is from a long line of historic peony plantings along the driveway. 

I have a lot of red peonies to bloom.This one is from the line of peonies that my Grandmother Brooks had years ago at her home in Murray, Iowa.  My mom collected the plants starts and then gave me a couple of them. 

My final share for today is my invention.  I bought a new white rose for the front yard. When I planted it, the location seemed to be good.  Now that the wild geranium is being invasive I put together a fence to hold it back.  I had scrap fencing pieces that pieced together in an interesting way.  We are warm today and it is pleasant outside.  Have a great weekend.

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