Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday Sunrise Show....

 Sunday morning promises to be a good one. We will warm up today and the clouds will be few.

My light blue flag iris is now in bloom.  I collected this from a neighbor back at the old place.  She collected a lot of things from me after we moved away and before I sold the place. 

I planted zinnias and marigolds yesterday next to this garden.  I planted seeds so I will be waiting a while before it will look good. 



The front raised flower bed that I inherited is looking better as the flowers are starting to spread.  I plant this space differently each year but I enjoy the planter being there. I need to do some straightening of the brick.

The dianthus returned from last years planting. I would like to fill this area in with more perennials so the work will be less. I will add a hosta or two by fall.

These hybrid iris blooms are so great. It is a new one from last  year and the first time blooming for me.  It sits too close to the peonies but I guess I will leave them alone for another year. Moving them six or eight inches away from the peonies would be a good thing.

We are having a quiet Sunday with no big plans.  We may go out for salad and sandwiches for supper at Panera.  Taking a day off for work is good to do.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The bunches of Iris look so pretty! You have so many flowers no wonder you are so busy!
