Sunday, May 21, 2023

Partially Sunny with a little Smoke....


This is one of my new iris blooms.  I wasn't paying too much attention at first and thought it was the one that I had planted elsewhere.  This one is a bigger bloom and almost perfect white with most of the beard being white also.

 This is my other white one that I inherited from my neighbor lady years ago.  You can see the shape is different and the beard is mostly yelllow to orange.  It use to be my earliest bloomer but here at its present location it is not the first to bloom.

The backyard view looking up to the back of the house looks like this. The old fashion iris is one that i got from my parents place in southern Iowa. I am sure it was traded and shared through out the area.  I don't remember as a kid where they even sold iris for gardeners. I do remember at one time when my mom bought a set of ten from a catalogue of hybrid iris that were not as large in bloom size as they hybrids on tall stalks are today. 

The only pink iris in my garden is this one with purple beards.  I moved this down from my old house to this new garden. It isn't a large bloom but it is a nice one.  I had to move this to this new location as it was getting crowded out by some other flowers. 

I bought a yellow columbine plant and it has spread everywhere.  It blends in with the blue one that already was growing here when I bought the place six years ago. 

This blue one has spread over to my stairs from about twenty feet away down the hill.  I would like to get a plant of the wild columbine but I don't know if I can buy it at a nursery.  I had some at the old place that I had harvested from the timber nearby.  I had wild columbine growing back at the farm when I was a kid when I pulled it up from our timber and planted it on the north end of the house in the shade.  That was one of my first planting adventures. 


 The lily of the valley is an old fashion plant that was planted next to foundations when I was a kid.  I remember seeing it in towns where they planted it around their porches. We did not have it at the farm where I lived.  I inherited it at my hundred year old house at the old place.  The former owner here at the 20 year old housing development must have bought some and planted it under the deck stairs.  That stairs has moved but it still likes growing at the same location.  I am trying to move it under the newer stairs.  I did get one plant growing there but need to dig more and move it. 

It is a mild day today with very little wind.  The low 70's is a good temp.  It is a quiet Sunday and yet the people are out mowing their yeards and my one neighbor is always working on his cars or motor cycles.  He has an old Corvette over there right now that apparently needs to have an overhall to get it running again.  It was brought in on a trailer. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have a wonderful collection of Iris, it's our State flower and one of my very favorites. Such a variety of colors and blooms. I once had a lovely Lily of the Valley, sadly the deer enjoyed it just as much as we did !
    Hope your weekend is going well.

  2. What an exciting time in your gardens with all of those blossoms and varieties of flowers. I only have the purple iris plants that came with this house. I've never seen white ones in person!

    Soon the columbine in the woods will be blossoming too. I do love their soft and muted colors.

    Have a great day. More smokey skies!
