Friday, May 12, 2023

Soaking Wet.....


We had a downpour yesterday afternoon so the garden angel got his bath. I was caught in that pounding rain when I left the grocery store to go to the car. I was soaked.  I grabbed my stadium umbrella from the back of the car which didn't really help as my shirt and hair were already soaked.  It was a cold rain and we had to dry out a lot of the groceries, especially the cardboard boxes, before we could put them away. I was chilled from that episode for a couple hours afterwards. 


 I won't use the word ruined, but the flowers took a good beating from the downpour. It sort of cuts the season short for them. I am glad that none of my hybrid iris were in bloom. 

I patched my leaky birdbath a few days ago.  It was about a half inch of rain that came is less than ten minutes. 

I did not see this bloom during our two years of drought. I thought I had lost it. The two weak buds that I had on early actually did develop into two bleeding hearts.  Two are better than none.  I need to nurture this plant so it will grow big again. I am not sure how other than keep any invader neighbor plants away from it.

It is Friday.  News of this country's happenings  are beyond explainable.  We are strong but we are being destroyed from within.  I hope the people will straighten things out.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes people forget to water a Bleeding Heart after it has bloomed and dies back...plant an annual nearby and keep it well watered!
