Thursday, May 11, 2023



 A geranium bloom next to my front door steps. The plant dies down over the winter and comes back robustly in late spring.

I am at a lost for the name of this plant.  It is in the carnation family and it did come back from last summer's planting.  My mom use to call them "pinks" and she usually had a few of them around in her garden. 

A sparrow is building a nest here.  It doesn't seem to be brave enough to stay and use it unless it is down inside the nest and I just can't see it.

My other Siberian iris looks this good.  Again I am glad that I cleared away the last years foliage.  It isn't easy to cut back.

I am awaiting for a lot of different iris to bloom.  Some do not have buds yet but I am hoping they start to develop soon.  Most all of my iris have been in the ground at least two seasons so they all should bloom. 

I mowed the front yard this morning after I used the weed eater to cut tall grasses on the edges of things.  It did get too warm while working and I had to take a water break and get rid of the long sleeve short. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Your garden and blooms are all looking lovely. It seems like everyday there is a new color or blossom.
    You have a green thumb Sir.

  2. Wow your flowers look great! That is most likely a Dianthus...often called Pinks because the come in all shades of pink!

  3. I planted some pinks last year and Far Side nailed it. Dianthus. I love their look! Mine are getting ready to bloom too.

    My Siberian Iris plants are all looking good also. I have to split them again and give some away!
