Tuesday, May 2, 2023



The sun is shielded by so many houses but the red bud stll gets a glow from the evening sky.  I have grown the tree for three years now and it is really becoming a good looking specimen.  I need to plant something that will block the view of that internet box.  My neighbor really love the tree and appreciates it.  They have developed a plan of have no tree growing on their properties.  I guess it works well to just enjoy the next person's growth.


 I am happy to see that I planted that hosta there but I really don't remember doing so.  The wild violet, which I did not plant, seems to want to partner with it.  I really don't mind having it there.  When you plant with no abandon you do get lots of things filled in everywhere.  It is a perfect place for it to be. 

I really like the Rembrandt tulips.  These two seem to be the only kind of them of all of the varieties that I planted.  A mixed bag makes sure you don't plant in restricted groups.  

The white and pink ones are striking to see also. I can see the peonies are doing well with all our moisture in the ground being restored.  The drought seems to be over even though I may still water them to be sure they do their best as the get larger.  

I have one iris planted in this strip flower garden.  I think I will put more of them in the area so I can have one more thing blooming in the cycles of spring/summer.  I have tulips first, and iris blooming secondly and then the peonies.  Hosta isn't doing well there yet but I am working on it. I have two that are trying to grow. The clay soil left there by the building development means I need to add more black dirt to the area.  

While working on these things last week I had something fall and injure my shoulder.  No blood but it hit something that gave me a lot of pain with any movement of my arm.  Me being my own dumb person worked the next day and I had something else fall and land on my same injured shoulder.  So, I have been healing.  Icy Hot and Tylenol have helped a little but time has been the best solution.  I will work on this today even though the wind is blowing strong again today.  I have refining judgments to make to improve the design.  Those changes will not involve having anything falling down on me as well as me falling down either.   Old age is the pits but I refuse to let it control me.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Ouch! Hopefully you feel great again soon. I do dumb things all of the time so I get that!

    Your flowers are lovely. I may get some bulbs this fall and plant some fresh tulips. The ones I had from years ago rarely flower any more.

    A red bud would be a tree I'd love to have. It is so beautiful!

  2. Too bad that you injured and then re-injured the same shoulder, Larry, so perhaps taking time off it ac great idea. By the way, the yard work is looking really nice and ready for some plantings to start.
