Sunday, June 18, 2023

Easter in June.....



I plant my Easter Lilies from the season in the late spring.  They do well through the winter and then I have new lilies the next year.  

My wife gifted me a flag and pole for our anniversary.  It has new technology with hardware that keep the flag from ever rolling up on itself.  I will show photos of antoher time.  The box that the flag came in was done so well.  The flag was properly folded tight and fit in the specially designed box. Made in America is the besst product. 

I am missing my fish.  This was one of the last photos that I took before the raccoon or raccoons came for fish supper. I may create a mesh box of chicken wire for the fish to hide in when I buy the next fish. I think I need a wildlife camera to see what goes on in my backyard. 

My hydrangea blooms are smaller this year.  I may have it planted in too much shade.  I guess I could dig part of it and move it out into the bright light to see what will happen. At the old place they were growing along the north side of the house.  The people who renovated, flipped, the place for resale of course scraped all of that out and they are gone. 

Have a great Sunday.  We are headed to Chile's for my Father's Day meal.  I can't decide what I am going to have from the menu. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Free fish dinner! Here they just eat bird seeds every night!
