Monday, June 19, 2023

First Day of the Week.....

 A young mourning dove comes to the feeder when I finally get some seed in it.  There are a lot of small ones out there and I thought I need to keep feeding all the young birds that are being hatched.

The young fledglings of the house finch are fun to watch.  One can laugh at them as they don't know how to land at the feeder. They fly in and do a lot of flapping of their wings trying to get their balance.  When two of three come at the same time it is a lot of fluttering wings in view. The mourning dove comes in awkwardly to but it is because the railing is narrow and they are bigger than a house finch.  They just seem to be cautious as the land.

The young house finch male has its colors already as this is the time of the season when the adult males are the most red in color.

I am moving the blue gazing ball into different positions in the back garden trying to find the perfect place for it.  Originally it was behind the peonies but they now block the view of it.  I have moved it from this place already and may make it move one more time. I could put it in the front yard but wonder if someone would steal it.

I am starting a new project  of undoing the stepping stones that a former owner had placed.  I dug up three of them and they were a lot of work.  I am going to be reusing/relocating them in another place.  The photos that I eventually will show you will explain why I needed to get them out of there.  I have sadly discovered that they were lain on the ground and allowed the dirt and grass to cover over them.  I found out that only a third of the stones are actually in view and the grass covers the other two thirds of  each one.  I am glad I started the job but it is too hot and a lot of energy to dig them up so I will pace myself. Photos will show you what I am doing.  It is funny that when I viewed the satellite view of our place the stepping stones distinctly show up in the view. 

We are at 82° F. right now so it is time to just come inside and blog.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you picked a big project! Be careful in the heat!
