Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday's Finds.....


I mowed the front yard this morning.  We are still considered in moderate drought and yet the yard is the greenest it has been in three seasons.  The spirea in the front is filling in its leaves with blooms.

I plant the zinnias and then move them around when the strongest grow up.  I have a good stand of them but have to be patient to not start transplanting too soon. 

The young newly hatched cardinals are still around.  They don't frequent the feeder very often but I do see them out in the neighbor's garden.

The old fashioned rose is a fragile bloom that doesn't last for only a couple of days.  I need to take more photos  which means I need to venture out behind the big blue spruce tree. 

I like planting chives as a flower as it is a tough one and rarely needs any care.  Some people chop up the flowers as well the stems to flavor foods.  I like the chives on my baked potatoes and it is good in cottage cheese. 

The morning glories are not climbing yet.  They seem to be making themselves into a foliage plant rather than extending up and out.  I have the cheat chicken wire there for them to climb up on to get to the trellis. 

We warmed up to 80° F. today.  I wasn't too bad working outside this morning on the lawn.  I worked with my edger this morning trying to get things up to par to what my two neighbors on each side do to make their lawns perfect.  I think the edger tool is very frustrating and really not necessary but one must keep up with the Jones'es.  I think I would call it a "yuppie process" and I really don't want to impress people with the idea that I don't let the grass grow up on my sidewalk.  I hadn't done the job last year so I will maybe get it to work easier if I return and do it again in another month. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Mine look like that too. I'm going to add some wire so mine can climb a wagon wheel I have for them!

  2. You are getting quite fancy edging your sidewalk! Those Morning Glories will take off soon:)
