Saturday, June 10, 2023

Red......and More Red.


The hardy geraniums are budded but are still slow to bloom.  I guess they are getting use to being in the pot and they are spreading their toots first.



The petunia is one with a powerful red color.  It is looking good but I just remembered that I need to water them. Our soil is so dry and you have to dig down 8 inches to find moisture. 


The "William Baffin" rose is looking good but it is reaching the stage when the first few percent of blooms are failing. I had to look hard to find a bunch that looked this good.  I think I will give it some water as it really has hundreds of blooms on it and it is large.



I spent the morning transplanting zinna starts to different blank rows.  I had some really thick areas planted and instead of pinching them back I moved the crowded plants into different rows and create whole new rows.  I lose a few plants while doing that but if I can get eighty percent of them to grow I feel successful.  We slowly warmed up today but it was good to be outside.  The neighbor kids of three from one house and a set of twin nighbor girls all congregated on the neighbors deck.  The lab dog was on the deck also and the dad was busy working on attaching a new tarp on the deck roof.  It was a lot of noise between the kids yelling and banging things and dad yelling at them.  I couldn't see them but it made an interesting experience while on the ground moving zinnia plants.  I really kind of enjoyed it and was amazed at the dad's patience of what those five were doing to him with their rowdiness.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wow! Your flowers are beautiful!
    Last year my hardy geraniums were real slow on blooming. This year they are doing great. Go figure.

    Your soil does look dry. This morning [Sunday] we got some rain! I don't know how much, but any rain will help.

    I love hearing my neighbor out with their kids. Their noise is welcome in our neck of the woods.

  2. Wow your rose is a beauty! I always enjoy listening to children, they can be quite entertaining!
