Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday's Finds.....

 We have a new visitor from across the street.  We see them cross the road just like the rabbits do. I like chipmunks as they remind me of my summer years in Minnesota where we would buy peanuts for them and they would get pretty excited about them.

People are known to gather at Stonehenge to worship the coming of the Solstice.  I don't have anything like that here but the space between my two trees gives me the same effect.  As the earth tilts back the sun will be behind the blue spruce soon on the right.  

The work on the step stone recovery is done as of yesterday.  I dug out all the grass around the stones by hand with a hooked blade as my tool of choice. You can see the one stone is still overgrown with grass while the ones above it have been cleared. I find fault in them of course as I don't think the guy put them in the right height. I think in the back of my mind that I may pry them up with a shovel and spread and inch of sand under them.  Yes it is too obsessive compulsive of me so I may have to battle the idea out of my mind.  Or, I might just do it next week when I am rested up from all of it.

I had to dig out a large stone that ran up against my square block.  I got it out of there and placed a different narrow stone in its place.  So one can now step on it to start off away on the path.  I have the other area of stones to dig in but I am waiting to see if I can get the perfect arrangement of them.  I removed one and scattered them farther apart.  I may do the same and reduce the number to make the stepping stone effect look natural and not like a lot of kids lined up waiting for the drinking fountain.


 It is so hot outside that I have to keep taking breaks to cool down.  I watered the tomatoes and some select plants that are in bloom.  The lilies looks a little weathered with 90 ° F. temperatures.  I did get too  hot and finally just had to come in as the simple tasks were even exhausting. 

I have a couple of sunflowers that are developing.  I planted some more, new seed, and I can't seem to get them to germinate.  I did think I saw one poking through but I didn't think they were that hard to grow from past experience. 

We are looking at the possibility of rain tomorrow.  With hot weather like we are having  the severe storms come with it.  It will continue to be hot after it rains and the rainfall prediction amounts isn't that great being less than an inch.  I hope we get more.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. One of the things I found out with stones is that they settle with the constant change of temperatures freezing and thawing. Mine sink in and I have to pry them up all the time and reset them.

    I haven't tried putting sand under them though. That might be a great idea!

    Chippy the Chipmunk! They drive my dog nuts!

  2. Your stepping stones look great! Stay cool!
