Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hot Thursday.....


One of my favorite daylily that I moved here from our old place. It was purchased at an arboretum when they would have a daylily sale of hundreds of varieties. They would be in bloom so you can see your purchase.  We met friends there and went out to eat afterwards.



This is our neighbor's daylily that is right next to our flower garden. On our property line we share sets of  utility boxes and the previous owner and our neighbors have planted things around them to sort of cover them from view.

One of the six stems of regale lilies is leaning into the hydrangea.  It is my all white garden, not a planned one, that just happened.  

Nothing was planted there originally and I thought things growing around the water tank would be a better thing.  The hostas just happened too and I now have to use a hose to fill buckets because I can't sit anything under the spigot now unless I smash the beautiful hosta.

The white stairs is a perfect foil for the rose. I have been watering things as we have such high heat and are in a drought situation again.  All of my knock out roses have lost their blooms now and I need to dead head them. I would like them to last forever but it is a part of the natural progression for flowers. I can maybe get two more blooms from them if I get them trimmed back now.

Milk jars from history of long time ago. Anderson Erickson is a very big company in Des Moines making many great products. Flynn Dairy is gone now and I think the company has changed hands a couple of times.  My last experience with milk deliveries at the house was when I was very young living at the old place.  It was nice to have milk delivered fresh back then but I don't even drink milk now due to the diabetes. I share these antique jars because I use them watering jars as well as jars to remove water from my fish tanks.

Times keep changing as now I do live a mile away from a major supermarket and can get milk in an instant.  I go for milk and come back with a cart full of other things.  Those kind of things don't change.  Stay cool out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hot and dry here too. I put out two feed pans of water in separate spots in the yard with rocks in them. The birds are visiting them a lot for water and a rinse of their feathers.

    My daylilies didn't come up this year. I think they got trampled or destroyed when the mini split got installed.

  2. You gardened your way out of a spigot! Your Daylily is a beauty I think that one is called Red Magic:)
