Saturday, June 3, 2023

From My House to Yours....

 It really isn't a pond but it is the best I can do at our new place. It was sold as a large flower pot but it would not have been that good looking for planting flowers. 

The challenge for the summer is to see how many photos that I can accomplish of the goldfish in the pool. They seem to be happier in the pool than than being in the clear glass aquarium.  They all gather together at the bottom to take a nap. Goldfish are carp so they do like that kind of behavior and environment.

My property sits on a former corn field with clay soil.  The pink peony was in the front of the house and it just didn't grow.  The former owner planted it and didn't include some black soil around.  After two seasons it has revived in this new location in the back yard.  I have bags of topsoil ready every time I plant something. 

My light blue flag iris is looking good but the rains did damage the blooms. The remaining buds are giing me good color.  The other two purple/blue flag iris that I have were almost closed down as they were further developed and the rains were heavy. 

The former owner was a vegetable gardener.  He had posts for a gate and fenced in the rest of the area to keep out the rabbits. I like the posts as garden decorations. 

When I planted the rose in this location I thought it could be a good place.  Now that it has been there a few years I am pleased to have it there.  It reminds me of how people on the farmsteads would grow plants up the sides of their houses.  

The  rain caused the branches to be heavy with flowers.  I need to tie up the stalks of flowers that are laying on the grass.  I mowed the front end of the house this morning.  It was already 78°F. by the time that I got started.  It makes it so much more work when you are walking in that kind of heat.  By the time I finished it was 81° F.  

The front of the house looks so good with all the "knock out" roses in bloom and the green, green grass.  The variagated leaf dogwood on the left is getting to be large.  We planted that there as a memory to our dog Barney three years ago. It is a beautiful specimen.  I would not to think of planting a locust tree anywhere but the former owner did and I really like it. It is unique with a great shape and great foliage. The branches hanging down look more like the mosses hanging from branches in the south. 


Thanks for stopping by on this very hot day.

1 comment:

  1. Your house and yard are so neat and pretty. Love teh flowers, and always love the knockout roses. I had to trim mine back this year because they were taking on a life of their own. HA! Have a great Sunday!
