Sunday, June 4, 2023

Summer Heat....

 The photo is larger than life but it shows the beauty of the yellow rose in my garden.  It is a climbing rose and it has now taken off with many buds and blooms too. 

The rose isn't a hybrid T but it has the roses that reminds me of them.  It over winters wonderfully and keeping it cut back is the best thing for it.  I had more dead canes this year from winter but I think that was more related to our drought.

The hosta loves the raised bed concept as they have spread all along the edges of the box. It was one of my ideas that I could grow them there rather than pull weeds all summer.  I still get some grass growing up but it is few and far between.


My former owner left me with flowers that I really would not have picked.  I called them my hippie garden flowers but I now know that they were trying for wildflower garden choices.  This one comes up in places that I don't like.  It is so tall that it blocks the view of the roses behind it. I have some right now that voluntarily grows in the rock garden area which I don't want.

Once the blooms are done I can pull it and maybe put some of it in my cottage garden area in the back.  The primrose was one that I do like but it was planted everywhere and really didn't fit with the garden plants around it. I have one more wild flower coming up and it has been here six years.  I have yet to see blooms on it and maybe I can identify it.  It too grows in three different locations.

I moved most of the primrose back here where it fits in nicely with the peonies and day lily. I had to live with the different new plants to me and make decisions that changed the former gardeners plans.  I don't know if it was the wife that did the flowers.  I do know the husband did many vegetables as my neighbor lady keeps telling me. 

It is another hot day today.  I will go out and water tomatoes to keep them growing.  I have some sunflowers growing up in the middle of the tomatoes.  I have a double headed one here as the rabbits had eaten off the top of it.  I let it grow and now I have this.  The wired fence has stopped the things from being eaten. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I have always been a fan of roses. Yellow ones are lovely for summer. I might trim the woldflowers just to give the roses their time in the sun as well.

  2. Your yellow roses are just stunning!!
