Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Summer Continues....


The early morning sunrise had lots of color.  There was a heavy humidity this morning and it did cause a haze over our view of the sun.


 As I mowed the front yard I could see that the petunias are trying to fill out.  I have been watering them as we haven't had rain for quite some time. The sun does hit this for most of the day after it comes up over the neighbor's house. 

I am curious as to why my hydrangea shrub doesn't have huge blooms.  I see one up the street and I am sure it is a new hybrid one. It has huge large blooms on it.  This is the old fashioned one that has grown along older house foundations. I brought it down from the older place.  I am wondering if this  shrub doesn't like the clay soil.



My morning glories are starting to send up vines.  I would thing by next week I might even get some flowers. I noticed that I hadn't been keeping up with the watering and had one box that was wilted and dry. 


I finished off my stepping stones project and I am happy with it. We have warmed up again today to 85°.F.  It is less brezzy so it feels hot.  I started my day mowing wearing a parka and move to just a short sleeve t-shirt by ten o'clock.  Our grass has slowed down in its growth and we will quit mowing once a week.  

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your flowers are doing exceptionally well considering the excessive heat and lack of rain. Next week is even more heat, keep the watering can handy 😊

  2. My morning glories are not that far along, but I sure hope they pick up!

    Your flowers look great.
    We had too much smoke to be outside today.
