Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Smoke and Mirrors...Humidity Plus.

 The sunflower was chewed off by a rabbit.  When the plant recovered there are two heads instead of one.  It won't be such a tall sunflower.  I have already had to stake one of the others as they do tend to lean. 


While standing on the deck with my camera in hand this butterfly landed near me.  It is leaning down on that smooth railing.  I think it might be an admiral butterfly but I never saw it with its wings open.  I couldn't find anything on the net that matched it.


The monarda took a hit with two years of drought.  I am just glad I have this many blooms at this time. I have red ones also to the right of these.  Arlyne, former owner,  planted the purple ones and I moved the red one here from the old place. 


My plantings of these at the old place had spread to a large area under a tree.  The tree was cut down and I am not sure it did so well after that.

When I think of stargazer lilies I think of the ones that are multi-colored with patterns. When I order this I got a set of them in different solid colors.  This still has that wonderful fragrance that comes only with stargazer lilies.  I have one other that is in tan colors. 

The air was too heavy with humidity and smoke for me to be outside today.  I just chose to stay inside and didn't plan on anything.  I did get some different things done this morning.  I had to clean a fish tank and set it up again ready for transferring of fish to a bigger tank.  I had a footstool than needed a newer covering that matches the one I had done a couple of months ago. I didn't take long to pull of with a staple gun and some tacks.  It was harder to get my body forced to start it and get it done.  I made various appointments this morning that I too was procrastinating on doing.  I will walk to the mailbox and breathe the air but that will be about it for my outside experience today.  I know other states have been suffering the bad air the past few days. We do have wind this afternoon that is moving things around.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Well I didn't do much outdoors today either. I did morning chores with a light morning sprinkle and that was mostly it.

    Your bee balm is pretty! Mine are getting ready to start blooming.

    I don't know if the winds are helping or not yet. We are in a 'red' zone for air quality still.
    That air bothered me too!

  2. The air is bad up here too. No fun. Your Hollyhocks look great!
