Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sunday's Stuff.....

 My secret garden behind the big blue spruce.  It can only be viewed by going back into the corner of the lot.  The old fashion rose is flourishing  putting out its many long stems.


The rose on the bush is a kind of its own. Many times when homesteads were closed down this rose would still be growing out in the tall grasses of the left behind place.

The house on our old place was 112 years old when we left.  I can't tell you when this was first planted there but I am sure it has a lot of life years on it.  I brought it to our new place and enjoy the historic rose. 

The sparrows were successful at hatching out more sparrow.  We have had an unusual large amount of these small new ones in the yard and garden.  They loved rolling around in the dirt and dust in my tomato patch area.

They are smaller but will soon be normal size.  I had one flopping around the back door last evening as I went out tor retrieve something to protect it from the rain.  It acted like it had just left the nest and was flopping around above my head like it was a bat. 

We have a billionaire that lives north of us on his horse farm on the edge of our city.  It is a small world as he had three horses from the farm in the Kentucky Derby.  I think one of his horses won third.  Yesterday he had one horse in the Belmont race.  I can't seem to find the name of the horse but I think he did come in third.  We see his horse farm as we drive to the north end of town to visit our bank, my doctor, and eat at Arby's.  Ironically he doesn't do the racing for profit as he said if he won the Kentucky Derby that he was going to donate all the winnings to our College, DMACC. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Interesting about the is an expensive sport good thing he has $

  2. I agree, it is interesting about the horse racing neighbor. But a donation is really beneficial especially to a community college.

    I like your secret garden!
