Thursday, June 15, 2023

Thursday's Things.....


 The sun was an orange glow this morning.  It did not photograph with my camera.  Its color was close to the background color and not whitish yellow. Humidity and smoke gave us the special effects. 

The work outside today went slowly for me this morning.  I didn't do any heavy lifting but watered every thing both front and back yard.  I have a water tank that collects water from the roof so I carried watering cans of water to all parts of the garden.  We are going to be hot for a few days.  It was 78° F. while I was out there but it is up to 88° F. now.  I have small zinnia plants the I have placed into rows by moving crowded plants to blank spaces in my rows.  I need to keep up the moisture is important or they will all shrivel up in the heat.  

I placed more soil in my spaces this morning.  It covered up all my sewn grass seed and then I watered it all in.  This is the kind of thing that won't look good until a few months down the road.  I do like what I designed and it does look natural there as a transition place to walk to the back yard.  The former owner has stepping stones that head off of there going out to the cottage garden.

Thanks for checking in today.


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