Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Workout Day.....Work!

 The rians a a week ago damaged the pink rose blooms.  I finally clipped 90 percent of the spoiled blooms off the bush.  I had two large buckets of bad flower heads to dispose of and I am glad I fanally got it done. 

The yellow rose didn't seem to be bothered by they rain.  It is putting out great flowers.  The color is always so great.  

A view of a project in progress.  It was a design the was determined from an idea in a garden book.  Squares  with the grass growing between the is the idea.

The former owner had one white block of concrete at the edge to get you to his stepping stones.  I am planing with the idea of putting in a decoration design to tie the slab edges to the transitioning platform.A former student of mine years ago gave me a box of tile samples that his mother wanted to get rid of and I could turn them down.

The spacing is good and ready for me to fill in the spaces with new topsoil dirt. I worked at this for two days.  Some of it involved just sitting down and looking to see if all is level and spaced right.  I had to raise the height of one this morning and had to fill in dirt on one side to get rid of the slant. 

You can't see the tiles in the strip next to the patio.  I filled the space with sand and placed my salvaged tile samples in the sand.  I then filled in the spaces with small stones and the powder  from the stone hasn't been washed off yet. If you enlarge the photo and put your nose to the screen you can see the tiles. The blue specks are grass seed from a leftover sack from last year. I tried to create a way for the lawn mower to go over the brick by building up the soil around them..  If that doesn't work I can use my weed eater to trim off the grass. 

I watered some of my plants today.  We were hot today and tomorrow we are going to get to  90°.  I will water again tomorrow early morning as I don't want to loose all the I have growing out there. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Yes! I had to water last night because it was so dry here too!

    I like your idea with the tiles. I need to do something with the one side of the porch where we all walk in and out. But it would take a lot of dirt and I'm not up to that yet.

    But you gave me an idea to strive for!

  2. That should make a nice transition to the grass. I have seen some with Irish Moss in between and that looks nice too:)
