Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 Two young birds fell from a nest near my patio.  They seem to be doing good and mother is still flying in to feed them.  I saw one last night headed to the shelter of the blue spruce tree. Mom can still feed them anywhere they might be. 

One of them still has a little fuzz on it but its wings are pretty much developed.  The grow so quickly. The front spots on its chest reminds me of the female house finch but I don't know that as a fact for this bird.  I thought it was a sparrow as I have seen so many young sparrows out flying about recently. 

I have more sunflowers seeds planted in this area but they don't seem to want to germinate. I keep watering things as they are in dry soil otherwise. 

This is one of my very last peony blooms.  All the bouquets that I had are all spent now.  The season doesn't seem to last very long. 

The roses are loaded with blooms as well as with spent blooms.  If time permits I should get out there and trim off all the dead ones.  Maybe tomorrow I can do that. I have a project going that involves six, one foot squares of concrete stepping stones.  I will share that later if I survive all that physical labor..

Thanks for stopping today.

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