Wednesday, June 7, 2023


 I have a secret garden on my property.  It is located behind the large blue spruce tree. No one sees it but me and also you when I photograph it.  The bench came from the old place being made from old bricks and a piece of flagstone that once was a part of the old kitchen's foundation.  The angel gets to be showered with rose petals naturally.  I did not put them there. The area is one of the place where you can look up and see the birdhouse on a pole.

The secret garden includes the antique, old rose bush that I harvested roots of from the old place.  It is an old traditional rose that people shared with neighbors back in the old days. At the time the rose was planted there was no such thing as a Plant Nursery.  My old house had three bushes along the kitchen's north side.  When I added an addition I dug them and moved most of them to the west side of the kitchen.  In the photo you can see it is too shaded for the iris that are planted there behind the bench.  I will move them both to a more sunny location. It was shaded when I planted the iris it just I planted things to make it shaded.

The front raised bed has flowers in bloom.  All of them will be taller and fuller with more blooms in time. The guy that lives just beside this sort of made fun of the man who put these it. It wa statement that the guy seemed to be an over achiever.  I like them brick work and think it makes our place unique. 

The penstemons flowers have taken over the area.  I will remove half of them out of the rock garden part of this planter. I may move the other half also to somewhere else.  I moved out a coneflower in that area two years ago and now these wild flowers took over the space. 

I moved these to the back last year and they seem to be not bothered by all the shifting.  I see this is crowding a hosta already. 

I need to mow the back yard but it was just too damp all morning.  The high humidity kept everything wet.  I did pull more weeds and water grass but working in the yard was limited.  We have less smoke today but the air quility is still bad.  We are cooler today compared to yesterday's 89 degrees F. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad to see your little angel again.

  2. Looks great! Our humidity dropped to 15% yesterday, it was so dry that Red Flag alerts were out.

    I sure hope we get some rain.
    Love that little angel.
