Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Second Day.....

 The hosta makes a great shelter for the turtle.  When he was placed there the plant was half this size. I may have to move the turtle if it is keeping the hosta from spreading.

The stair railing makes a great trellis for the climbing rose that peaks through the bars. 

I have roses on both sides of the stairs. I made boxed areas to plant them in to keep out the grass.  The hosta at the base of them  help me keep the grass down around them.

The rose opposite the yellow one is a shorter rose.  The flowers start out looking yellow but turn to this coral color.  It has been poven to be a good rose even though it did partially freeze down the past winter. 

I had a second young cardinal show up at the feeder this morning.  She was less jittery than the male that visited yesterday.  She did have a doubt about the cracked corn and she didn't quit think she should have to bite down hard on it.  I would be interested in knowing where the nest was. I can't even prove that they are hatched by the pair that was here at the feeder early spring. 

We are having a hot day again today.  We are warned not to be outside today as the smoke is heavy today from the Canadian wildfires.  I think the high humidity mixed with the smoke makes it harder to breath.  I was out in it this morning doing small jobs but I did wear out quickly.   

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That air! When I drove from Kenosha on Sunday it was like entering into a foggy blue haze!

    We are cooling down this evening, thank goodness!

    Those roses are beautiful!

  2. Smoky here today too and miserable hot.
