Tuesday, July 18, 2023



An accidental glance at the flower garden made me jump for my camera.  I could see it bouncing around from flower to flower.  It was so active that I was lucky to get some part of it in focus. 



I thought I saw a butterfly out there yesterday but now I wonder if it was the hummingbird.  This is  the hummingbird heaven that I like to plant each year for all the things that like it. 

The sun was clouded over for most of the morning.  In early afternoon we did get some sun shine even though it has a haze filter in front of it. 

I mowed in the back yard this morning and it was only 68° F. I wore a short sleeved shirt and it was comfortable.  The grass was in need of mowing in the shaded areas while out in the open it looks like dead grass.  I had forgot how it is easier to mow when the grass is thinned out from the drought.  I cut back some stray weeds even though I still have a few more to get.  It is funny how weeds do well even though it is dry weather. 

I started the process of putting screws down to permanently hold the boards in place. My battery went bad after the first platform was finished so I quit and am getting the battery recharged. Tomorrow I will start again and see how long the fully charged battery will last.  I hope the day will be a little cool again so I can just get the job done.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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