Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Middle of the Week....




I will water things again today.  We are having low temps in the morning and I welcome it.  We move into the 90s again soon so I am getting out there while it is nice.  Our drought is still on and we will not see rain for quite a while.  

My brother in California complained that he was 91°F yesterday.  He will cool off. My other brother in Arizona can't really go outside as they have averaged 113°F for probably twenty days now.  They had their monsoon dust storm recently as the winds blow in with a huge dust storm.  It is 65° F. here this morning but we will warm up by noon.  

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Rain, rain and more rain for us in these Tennessee hills, but at least it has cooled us down, to tolerable
    Your flowers are flourishing in the sunshine.
