Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Fourth.....of July.

 The ole red, white, and blue hangs out today for sure on this fourth of July.  As a kid I would never had dreamed that I had relatives that fought in the Revolutionary War. My wife and me both were surprise by what we found as we researched.  My one side of family were colonists that were here before we became a country.  


We have not big plans today and it is a normal day when you don't leave the property. We will eat Coney Dogs for supper and watch fireworks that will be on all sides of our house.  Our neighbor across the street usually puts on a show that is way to close for us to see.  It is really right on us and makes more loud sounds than anything else.

I started lifting by spade eleven stepping stones that were put in by the former owner.  I put two inches of soil or more under them to get them up level with the grass again. They looked funny as they had become holes in the ground. As an obsessive compulsive, I don't like his irregular spacing but I am just leaving them that way.  When I got to the end I added some extra stones on each side to jazz it up.  That required digging holes while it is very hot.  I had to stop after digging the first one and cool off inside. The stones really are going to nowhere so I have them going to the garden angel sculpture.  It is too small but it is the best I can do.

I picked my first tomatoes last evening.  One had been eaten on a little so I thought it was best to bring them inside.

I keep taking shots of this day lily just because it is there. It likes the spot where it is planted next tothe house and under the deck. 

Our blue spruce has grown a lot in the last six years.  The crimson king maple has now out grown it by a half a foot now.  I took a shot of this while I was out finishing working on the stones.  I am done with that project and am ready for another one.  I am being hesitant to start it as it will be a lot of work.  It will be done in sections each day until I get done.  I will buy boards tomorrow if I am not too lazy or hesitant to start.  

We will watch fireworks on the telly tongiht. Have a good day today and thanks for checking in this Fourth.


  1. Tomatoes already! Mine are starting to come along!

    I love the stones leading to the angel, that looks really nice. I'm still waiting on my zinnias to start flowering. They are very stunted this year but at least they are coming along. Even the sunflowers are short.

    Happy 4th!

  2. You have tomatoes already I am so jealous!
