Wednesday, July 5, 2023

No More Fireworks!

 My yellowish stargazer lily has started to bloom. The distinct aroma from these lilies is so wonderful. 

The zinnias are blooming in a few spots.  I need to water them all to keep them going as our ground is so dry. 

The monada has more blooms on it but it too has to be kept watered to get things looking the best.

The former owner had this color of monarda already planted and the red one is the one I brought down from the old place.  They grow side by side. 

The whitish blooms are now starting to turn green.  It is the normal process even though my buds never got very big this year. 

I didn't need to ever go to the gym when I instead loaded up 25, eight foot long, deck boards this morning. I will unload them from the truck as I use them.  I was being hesitant to get the job started but I just did it and am glad I have started on my stairs project.  It rained on me during the last half of the time of loading the boards.  The wood was just heavy enough that I couldn't load two at a time.  I am sure that I will not be so strong tomorrow but it was good to get it bought. 

We didn't get a lot of rain but it was better than nothing. I dug up a tomato plant this morning to see why it was not growing.  It was root bound but worse than that the soil was extremely dry.  It was hard soil and the watering just isn't going deep enough.  I will start hand watering the tomateos from my rain barrel and watering cans.  The soaking hose was not doing a good job other than watering the topsoil.  Our weather has cooled off to lower 70s now and it may help me catch up on the watering.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Boy, you've got a lot of beautiful flowers!

  2. I think a lot of plants are going to be that way this year with how dry it is.

    Most of my flowers are only half the size of their normal height.

    Beautiful flowers! Great Workout!
