Sunday, July 16, 2023

Glazed Sunshine......


The smoke from western Canada continues to cloud our air.  We have a very hazy day with hazed ove sun.  The heat in the south is changing the jet stream so the smoke flows directly into our state.

The excitement of the backyard was the neighbors having their house painted.  Most all of the houses in that row are pastel colors varied from end to end. A few years ago two different neighbors decided to paint one green and another blue.  This was is going to be a blue with a hint of green in it.  It will take a few days to get use to it.  They even repainted their kids playhouse with the same color.

One of my daylilies has a very large bloom.  It is almost double the size of the regular blooms. It is hard to show how big it is but I will show you the smaller yellow variety below.

The smaller size variety has been in bloom about a week earlier than the big one.  They both put out a lot of good color in the garden.

They are all my favorites.  This one has such great colors with the line down the leaf. It has a deeper color than some others that I have this color.

We are advised to not breathe the outside air today.  I have plenty of shots  from the past days so I won't go out to photograph. This is my day off from my stairs project.  After walking on them different landings I can see I need to tweak the larger platforms with bracing, stringers, that should go down the middle of the outside supports.  It will be minor work but I don't know if I have the right sized wood to do the job. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your Phlox is lovely. Hope the smoke gets out of your air soon. We are okay here today.

  2. We had that yesterday and it sure was hazy. Saturday was much worse.

    Your flowers are wonderful!
