Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hot, Humid, Smoke Filled Saturday...


Concrete blocks that were on my stairs are now piling up. They were placed in the stair spaces and they were just not working for me.  This is a heavy load and as you can see I still haven't unloaded it. I removed some of them but left the others as I don't have enough spaces to place them.  I have good ideas for some of them though.


 I finished up before lunch nailing all of the boards down.  They are minimally nailed as I will return and put in screws to fasten them securely.  I worked in bad air and didn't know it.  I found out later that the air quality was rated bad to dangerous.

I found another day lily that is now in bloom. It is sort of crowded but I am running out of places to move them. 

Another day lily that is growing in the same area is also now starting to bloom.  It is one of of my favorites. 



Last evening while out taking photos I discovered a very young bunny. He wasn't really sacared of me.  This one is a lot smaller than on other I photographed a few days ago. 

At the bottom of the stairs where I am working I have a rose bush that is putting out a couple last blooms.  I have dead headed most of it and yet there were a few more buds left. 


It is Saturday and I am taking the rest of the day off for rest. I can start work again on Monday and get things finished up on my stairs. While I was working this morning my neighbor to the northeast was  having his house repainted.  It is almost done this afternoon.  I am glad I am not a part of that crew.  Thanks for stopping by today.