Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hot Heat........

Christmas is coming to Hobby Lobby.  See up on the shelves in the back of the picture all of the Christmas balls. There was another shelf that wrapped around the corner of the same amount.  They do have sections of Christmas things up already. The use to say then needed to have it all up by the fourth of July. They are a little late with that but one can get pumpkins for Halloween and Thanksgiving right now also.  

My cactus is really liking the heat and dry weather.  I haven't watered it since I took it outside but there is so much humidity that I bet it is getting moisture from the air. 



The heat is really making its mark on the clouds this morning.  The earth is tilting back and the sun does not show up between the two trees on the left.  It is noon and it is 91° F.  Iowa has had a bike ride event for fifty years now. It is called RAGBRAI.  Participants start riding at the Missouri River side and they ride for seven days across a designated route over to the Mississippi River.  The larges number that I have heard of the estimates is 40,000 bicycle riders.  Today in the heat they are coming south through our town of 70,000.  The route will divide our city in half as they close off a lot of streets.  One has to consult a map to figure out how to get to the west side from the east side. Apparently there are places where the bikers have to obey the street lights.  Our major road is closed so we just won't plant to go to the other side. I think they will open things up at five o'clock as all should be into the south Des Moines site.  We did make it to my wife's doctor appointment this morning.  When we returned we met the overflow, diverted traffic onto our road.  There were hundreds of cars and trucks coming south as we travels north. 

I took a shot from the balcony of my yesterday's project. I dug up a large hosta and planted it in five parts along the edge of my newly surfaced stairs.  You can see our grass has gone dormant now when you look out into the open areas. We need rain. 

The birdseed isn't all eaten.  I have to hand pull weeds of corn, millet and whatever that is in the bag.  When I finished pulling I looked down to see I had pulled up a mini sunflower.  It has been in the pitcher for about a week now and is dong well as a cut flower. 

Home inside for the rest of the day as we are too hot.  I hope some of you out there are not having this weather.  My brother in Arizona is worse off than us.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Stay cool it is miserable hot today. Today is move day for my Mom from apartment into storage as she will stay in the nursing home. We couldn't have picked a hotter day for this project.

  2. We had interesting storms blow through this morning and it was pretty dark.
    Now it is humid humid and really hot.

    The clouds were pretty incredible this morning.

    August is approaching!
