Thursday, July 27, 2023



We have 50,000 bike riders taking off this morning from Des Moines headed out on a 80 mile journey to the next big city.  RAGBRAI is at its 50th year anniversary with people from all over the states meeting to cross the state of Iowa in seven days. Peopled from countries all over the world also ride in this event.  It is quite a sight to see the continual flow of bikers going down the highways and byways on a designated route. It was reported about 100 persons checked in to the local hospital to get checked out for heat exhaustion. None remained in the hospital but got revived and hydrated.  I guess there were some broken bones that received treatment.

It was not good weather today.  The heat was high and the humidity was overwhelming.  We had a heavy cloud cover all day and a rain system did pass north of us giving them a good rainfall.  I went to get groceries this afternoon and I am not going outside again.



Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Stay cool. The heat is awful...we are finally cooling off here tonight...sure hope it rains:)
