Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday's Stuff....

 When I dug this stargazer lily at the old place it only had three blooms.  The bulb is happy at the new place and I have five or six blooms now. The flower has a wonderful aroma that could stop your sinus up but could really make you t hink of perfume. 

We are getting gentle rains today, supposed to be all day, and the gardens and grass will be better off for sure. The smoke is less in the moisture filled rain temporarily.

This lily isn't blooming as vigorously as in the past but it has a few great blooms.  I may dig some of this and move it to the other side of the garage door. 

I trimmed back the yellow rose this morning while it was sprinkling.  This rose that trows on the other side of the steps is stating to look spent.  I will cut it back soon where the bunches of flower heads are all dead. 

My wife gifted me a new flag and flag pole.  The flag comes with high tech brackets that are wonderful. The flag attaches to the circular device has ball bearings that allows the hook to always be pulled downward by the weight of the flag.

My Walmart flag, made in America, was always bunched up and twisted around the pole because of the location of it. The corner of the house caught lots of wind causing the flag to wrap up on the pole.  Now the weight of the flag pulls down on the revolving pars that allows it to always be pulled down by gravity.  It is a remarkable invention and I really like the new setup.


I am headed to the car dealership to have my oil changed. I had an appointment to do so a long while back and we both caught covid while at a funeral in southern Iowa.  My car keeps telling me to change the oil and today it is going to happen.  We don't put much miles on the car as I can't or won't drive ling trips for now. All of our destinations are just a couple of miles away for us. One mile to ghe grocery store and four miles to the Walmart.  I have been feeling guilty about the oil being old and the different internet people keep telling me I am two visits overdue.  The car and myself will have to breathe a sigh of relief.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Flag holder! Oh just buy a new car then you don't have to change the oil:)
