Friday, June 30, 2023

Fried out Friday.....


I have added a sculptor to out two posts of flowers. He was hiding under a hosta at the back of the house and I think he is better out front. 



 I have my first sunflower bloom already. It isn't so tall but there is plenty of time for it to grow.

I have two that are ripening. The plant itself is root bound and isn't growing up.  I hate to dig it up to check its roots to see what happened but I have never had one like this that just isn't growing out or up branches. 

I don't know that name of this plant. It could be a yarrow but I don't remember buy it. It reminds me of one of the different plants that the former owners bought and they just keep coming up. 

All my pasts yearly Easter lilies are all blooming at the same time. They seem to be crowded by the dinner plate hibiscus and I really don't want to move the lilies or the hibiscus. I will just live with the crowding one more year.  

We got a half inch of rain early morning so the shots of my morning flowers are wet. We really were glad to get the rain.  I woke up hearing it on the roof and thought the air was running. I then heard the thunder and realized we are actually going to get a rain. 

I have always been fascinated with the day moons.  I just have to take the shot especially since I could just stand on the front step to take it. 

It was too hot for me to work outside this morning.  I had to take breaks and finally had to just quit early. The heat can really drag the body down when one isn't even noticing it.  I did  mulch out a whole bag of it and it was a job I had been putting off.  

Thanks for stopping by this Friday.

1 comment:

  1. The pink plant is a Milkweed! You have a white one too...they are nice plants but can get kinda tall:)
