Monday, July 31, 2023



When I refill the feeder the young mourning doves all come.  Their favorites are the cracked corn and also the tiny thistle seed that is scattered all over the deck floor. 



My first marigold is in bloom.  I used last years seed and only the taller variety of marigold germinated.  They are just as tall as the zinnias. 

The dinner plate hibiscus is doing better now that I am watering it frequently.  The drought still caused some of the buds to just shrivel up and die.  The plant gets watered now everytime I water the tomatoes plants. 

The tiger lily is blooming strong. I just noticed that there are two stems of blooms.  That is pretty good for a plant that I didn't remember was even planted there.


 While taking out the garbage this morning I heard a jet overhead and had to search for it.  The sound isn't always telling one where it really is.  I did have my camera with me as I was going to shoot flowers instead.  The aircraft probably is headed to Minneapolis unless that it took a turn west once it got out of the area. 

The day turned out to be a hot one again today. It is ten degrees cooler but 85° F. in the full sun is still a pretty hot day.  I did a little work outside this morning but shut it down by noon.  We are told that we will keep getting cooler temps as the days go by.  Good bye to July.  Where has the summer all gone?

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love your flowers! I had 3 marigolds come back from seed from last year! Funny, how they did so well for the past 4 or 5 years and then not so well this year. I collected seeds ... so maybe next year, I'll have to get new seeds!

    Your plants look wonderful.

    Summer. Dang, it is already August!

  2. WE are warming up again! We need rain. Your Hibiscus is lovely:)
