Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Things for the Day.....

 I was taking a shot of my tall sunflower.  The cloud patterns end up being the center of interest. The hot and cold seems to just keep mixing things up. 

The blue spruce was looking more blue today as I was out taking shots. The tallest sunflower is a small item compared to the tall tree. 

I have a stray bloom from my new planting of coneflower.  It was just leaves for two years and now I have one bloom. 

It is August the First and I finally have three blooms of morning glories on one trellis.  They are growing so slowly.  It would be wonderful that I have too many to count instead of three. 

I really like the color of this harvested seed from the past. It pays to collect seeds each fall as they do keep forever in a glass jar. 

My second phase of blooms on my knock out roses are looking good.  They are not as strong this year but I do keep watering them.

We did start off a little cool this morning but it is hot again today. It is 88° F. this afternoon and it feels hot.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the Morning glories will fill out! Your knock outs are so pretty!
