Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saturday's Stuff...

 The thunderstorms have passed us by too many times. The sun's setting has given us a great glow in their clouds. 

No rainfall means I have to water things daily.  I discovered today the reason that I am disappointed with my tomatoes this season.  The drought has caused the plants to not flower anymore.  I found a stray amount of flowers on one plant but the most of the plants are not acting normally.  These two tomatoes shown look great but there are only about two more on there. 

I spot mowed the yard today.  I have tall green grass under my front yard trees and shade at the back of the house.  They grass was shaggy there.  Here is what my yard looks like now with the Canada geese replicas.  Most of my yard is now dormant. 

I have started to bring in a few zinnia blooms for us to view from inside. There were actually trimmed off to encourage more blooms on some zinnias in a flower box. 

I always try to grow something each summer in my antique flower pot. The pot was from my parents garage and I am sure that it was moved from the farm to the city. It is probably fifty years old or more.

We are not as hot today but 87° F.  is still hot.  That will be our  high though and not 99° F. like we had yesterday.  I visited my doctor yesterday in Des Moines and it was an effort to get from the parking garage to the building.  We are predicted to now slowly cool down the next few days. I do plan on grilling tonight out on the deck.  I will be ducking in and out to get the job done.  

Thanks for stopping by today. 

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