Friday, July 28, 2023


 My first bloom on my triple trellises.  I used older seed so I didn't know what color they will be.  I like this as all my others are purple in the other garden area.

From the back view of the three trellises you can see I have lots of vines that should give me some more blooms.  I will be excited if I can get at least one more bloom tomorrow. 

I am going to have to be a butcher and cut some of these vines away from the sunflower.  They are choking the tall flower and I will still have blooms even if I cut half of them away from the stem. 

I am heading downtown today to go see my Endocrinologists.  It will be hot but we should be alright.  My weather report for today is it is hot.  We are at 90° F. right now. We are headed to 95° by late evening.  I know most of my blogger friends are also hot so we just have to go through it.  This is usually our late August weather. 

It seems to be the season of losing people.  A friend of mine that was a year younger than me, died from pancreatic cancer.  Her whole family would visit us at the farm for a fun farm visits when I was a kid They came often as her parents enjoyed visiting  from their small city home. Her older brother is still best friends of my older bother. She had married a minister and did a lot of missionary work in here lifetime.

Another person that died recently was a man who was two years older than me.  He played basketball with my brother in high school and I am sure I crossed paths with him a lot at a small school hallway. He had recently written me about my brother who had passed away in 2008. His older sister was in my second to oldest brother's class in high school. 

The last person that I see in an obit that has passed was a former teacher friend.  I taught at the same time as him for 21 years.  He was our son's teacher. He left high school teaching and went to Iowa State to teach science for another 21 years. He taught high school teachers how to teach DNA and helped them grow things in the classroom that were like DNA.  He also died of pancreatic cancer and was three years younger than me. He had just retired two years ago.   Enough said about that for today.  

Thanks for checking in today.  This is not word checked today.  Look for mispells.


  1. Sadly we reach that age when we or others succumb to disease and old age. :(

    The heat and humidity are pretty awful today. I think it is almost worse than yesterday.

    Your morning glories look wonderful. I had one blossom so far, but expect more.
    We had some rain this morning again!

  2. So sorry that your friend has passed Larry.
    Our heat is relentless this week, thank goodness for air conditioning.
    Your Morning Glories are just beautiful, the Grandpa Ott are my favorites.
    Try and stay cool !

  3. So many losses for you lately. It is hard...that pancreatic cancer is a tough one...that is what our blog friend Mildred had...I still miss her:(
