Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sun Shinny Day....


Solar flares shining through the sunflower. It is a tall one and still has not developed it bud. It will be a big bloom. 

The field lily has only one stalk on it this year but I am so glad it has become established.  I remember when one could see this ditch lilies spread from a farmstead and it would be growing all along the ditch of a big highway.  Eventually it would get mowed down but that didn't keep it from spreading.

I have two helpers while I am outside working.  One is older than the other so I can tell them apart.  This is the youngest one of the two. 

I remember that I complained about how exhausted I was when I trimmed back all the dead blooms on this rose.  Not it is all filled in with new flowers. 

The rose bush is really showy from a distance. It has the neighbor's knock our rose, red, and it too is reblooming. 

I worked outside this morning getting many small jobs done.  I put almost all of my tools away now from the stairs project and took in all the leftover wood scraps. The wood scraps could become another project.  It is warmer today and I was glad to get back into an air conditioned house.  It is a full sun day and it will heat us up.  It will cause me to water everything tomorrow.  

Thanks for stopping in today.

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