Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday's Finds.....

 One large day lily is  missing a petal but it still has dramatic form and color.  I still have a few buds left.



I have one set of cone flowers that are deeper colors.  The drought causes the flowers to be deformed even though I keep watering them every other day. 




I planted the hosta last year and just maybe next season it will take off.  I planted a canna in the same area and it just isn't growing big. 


 My tomatoes are not doing well. I have two plants out of five that are producing normally.  This plant has these two big ones but there is nothing else on the vine.  It probably is too late for fertilizer but I will add some again.

I took my wife to a medical test appointment this morning. We both have doctors appointments next week Monday and Wednesday. I worked in the yard some in late morning until it seemed to be too hot to be out there.  We are headed to Pizza Ranch for supper.  It is a fun crowded experience with a robot going up and down collecting dirty plates.  Buffet is good with pizza, fried chicken and a great salad bar.  I can still behave with my diabetes as I can pick and choose through all that food.  A bowl of chili isn't bad for me as long as it is a small one.  We have dark clouds to the south of us but we will never see rain from that as it won't move this way. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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