Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunny Sunshine Day.....

 I keep them watered and they are looking great. With a drought going on now and the past two yearsof the same thing, I haven't had great blooms for a long time.

I didn't plant this and I have tried to get rid of it.  This plant actually is standing and taking a form so I am ok with it. Behind it is many stray single stems scattered all up and down the peony bushes. It is Russian Sage and mine sure does not look like the thick plants shown on the net.

I am not going to see any blooms on this yucca this season.  The big one is really growing big but the one next to it is looking in distress. 

As I moved plants down from the old place to the new one I did just plant things without any plan.  I just noticed this day lily that can't be seen.  It has peony bushes in front of it and is crowded by a hosta and a flag iris.  I will move it after it is done blooming.  I will just take it all and find it a place in front of all the peonies. 

Sunday is a day off but I am ready to go to work on my stairs project again Monday.  I need to buy boards and then start cutting them up to good length. We are in the low 80s this Sunday and we are going to stay warmer all week.  It is summer and I don't expect anything else but sun and heat.  Rain is predicted maybe next week at this time.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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