Saturday, July 8, 2023

Stuff for Saturday....

 This  yellow Asiatic lily is taking its time to bloom. It is not a tiger lily but the spots do make one think that it could be.  I had a tiger lily before the voles ate its bulbs.  It is a totally different shaped lily.

This lily seems to be affected by the cold air. It will be opened up fully later but I didn't go back to get the shot. 

The rose is a big contrasting type of flower with its delicate pastel petals. I like how they bloom in clusters.  I have trimmed back the bush so it will be forming new buds soon. 

I am an artist more than an engineer. I have to plan things out visually most times and here I am laying out the scrap wood to see how many boards I will need to finish my stairs project. I wrote down the number and the lengths that each will be so I could see how many parts that I can get out of eight foot boards. I will need 12 more boards.

Because I design as I go I figured out in my head that I needed to put in a header board under the first flat board. I guess it is described as a riser with the first platform board the first step board.  I looked it up on the net. I will have all of the old steps that I didn't design and build all covered up. Again, I have not nailed anything down at this point.  I figure I don't want to have to pry they up if I change my mind about anything. 

We went to an Indiana Jones movie yesterday.  We went to a newly designed theater called dtx.  The regular screen fits the entire front end of the theater and the the sides are covered with the same theater screen material.  So when you are watching  boat scene with the ocean one is wrapped 270° around you.  You can look left or right to see the entire water line.  Some times the sides of the tunnel can be seen while the train is traveling down the track.  The special effects are periodic and not continually.  It was a new fun experience.  It really did add the the effects of the moving.  When there was a car chase in the city the side streets are being seen at the same time. Instead of having an IMax the theater is competing with surround sight and sound instead.  

We were tried out from all of it as you do spend two hours of many action scenes.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your steps are looking great! We have not been to a real theater for years...our kids have a small one in their basement so we go there with popcorn once in awhile:)
