Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday's Things....


I moved this lily to the new place and really have not been able to get it to bloom.  Ironically, the locals call it "ditch lilies" as it grows so wildly in the ditches of abandoned farmsteads. I collected this from a ditch where it was growing across from an old cemetery. The cemetery was the Xenia Cemetery named after the coal mine in the area.  Again describing how it grows so wildly, freely, I was frustrated not being able to get it to bloom. I don't think it liked my clay soil. I moved it one more time to an area under our deck stairway.  So finally it is blooming.  I have another start of it in the front yard and hopefully it will now bloom and spread.  

Another orange flower, zinnia, is showing off its color and shape. The blooms are coming slowly and I really should water them  more often.  We did get a inch and a half of rain two days ago. 

The pastel colors are just as great with the soft yellows and pink edges.  The rose changes to different colors as it matures. 

The coneflowers that I have planted in many locations are all in bloom at the same time. I still don't have a thick growth of any of the plants but maybe in a couple of years things will improve. 


With some interruptions from neighbors I still was able to finish getting all of the boards cut and laid in place.  I have one board to go that will require me to do a special width cut and put into place.  I have to search through my pile to see what I have use.  I may have to splice two pieces to do it as I used up my wood to the specific number that I bought. I will need to use the screws to attach all the boards down.  I don't think I will get that done as it will take me days of work to fine tune the board placements. 

I forgot to mow my front yard as I was distracted by the stairs project.  So I took time and mowed it this morning about three days later than the back yard.  It is what happens when you get my age.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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