Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Finds...

 We could see the lightning coming out of the bottom of this cloud as it rained on parts of our neighbors east of us.  We never got rain from this but any rain that will fill streams and rivers na where in the state is welcomed. 

We saw a red male cardinal at the feeder.  We also saw a goldfinch out there.  The only shot that I got was a female cardinal taken in low light. Mostly at the feeder are new fledglings of sparrows and house finch.  The finch must have just been flying through as it never made it to my thistle seed sack. 

Our two pots on the steps are starting to really take off.  The hardy geraniums are all the bling but there are some other plants in there doing well. 

I am baby sitting a plant for my neighbors while they tour Europe.  It was a purchased pot and I do like the combination of the flowers.  I will be treating it so special as I want it to look even better when they get back. I looked around their front door and I see that there really is more things that should get water than just this one pot.

I really like the stargazer blooms.  I think I should move it out of the crowded situation it is in but I think I will just leave it alone.  A part of cottage gardens is that everything is bunched together. I have to make an effort to get to it to take the shots.  The scent of a stargazer is so wonderful. 


 The day lilies continue to take turns in blooming. I have one new large lily opening now and I need to get the shot. We are having a gray afternoon with lots of heat and humidity. 

I worked on the stairs again today.  I got one last board ripped to size to fill a space and now it is time to get things shifted into final positions.  I am not happy with the railroad ties in certain places as they have shifted out of line.  I am having to fudge things to get a good look but not the best look.  I am nailing them down first before I put down wood screws. I finished off the top three platforms this morning nailing then down.    I told my wife the heat and humidity was bad and I kept wanting to just lay down in the grass to rest between parts of the jobs.  I didn't though risking having the neighbors calling 911 on me. I did sit down in a lawn chair when I went to get a level or hammer down the hill and regroup. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That heat and humidity can be awful to work in.

    The flowers look wonderful. My grandmother had a beautiful crowded flower garden that always looked amazing.

    I do want to add Lilies to my different flower places in the yard for colorful additions. Yours look beautiful.
