Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Good Saturday Day....


 I prefer to have the short variety of marigolds.  I collected seed from last year and one of them must have been the taller variety.  This is the tallest set of plants I have ever had of marigolds. Needless to say if there were any shorter ones in the pile they were crowded out by the tall ones. 

The marigolds look good in spite of the drought but the zinnias just are not fairing so well.  I water them and they still look permanently damaged from the dry weather. 

I poured the aquariumwater onto the tomatoes and zinnias. The morning glories responded right away to that water.  I have never had so many blooms showing at the same time. 

As I walked back from the mailbox my neighbor waved me over to talk to me.  He wanted to share that I could get one more look at his 1967 Camaro before it left his garage.  He sold it.  I felt badly for him and he did need to do one more show and tell before they came to pick it up.

He told me he had bought it in 2007.  It was not a family car.  He worked on it and then hired a person to work on it.  The first person was a failure and he had to hire another to do basic body work on it. Now all these years later he sold it.  I didn't quiz him about his sale but I may find out later on.  I felt bad for him but he may have got a lot of money for it. 

I research the car model.  Ford had come out with the Mustang.  The Chevy people hurried to meet that competition by starting plans for the Camaro.  The net said that the people who created the Corvair, a failed product, reworked the body shape and cranked out the final design.  The car had V-8 engines in them which gave them far more power than the light weight car needed.  My neighbor had a loud muffler on his as it would sound like a motor cycle when it was started up and taken for a run.  

He backed it out of the garage one last time and put it in the street, making sure no dings were put in it.  He then let the tow driver drive it up the ramp. 

Our high today was only 83°F.  It was cool this morning and I spot mowed the tall grass in the back yard. The wind blew and it was very pleasant to be out there.  We are to have some more normal day temperatures which is so great. The AC is getting a few times of rest today.

Thanks for stopping by today

1 comment:

  1. That was a cool car, sorry he had to sell it but better that than sitting in a garage! We took a trip into town this evening and went to A & W and the grocery store. The old car got us there and back. We thought about going to the Cruise Night at an old drive in theater about 70 miles away but we are not sure of the headlight situation! We might have to sleep in the we did not go!
