Friday, August 25, 2023

Summer Stuff.....

 The rose is watered every day.  It responds to the moisture as well as the high humidity.  It gets its dose of water at the same time as the morning glory boxes.

The morning glories are sensitive to heat as well as cold.  They have been nurtured but it didn't really help them to survive. I think two thirds of my vines are just gone.

They do get blooms out early in the morning even though we didn't cool down to only 79°F in the night.  Supposedly it is a cooler day but it won't cool down really until tomorrow. 

We do have clouds in the sky which does help somewhat.  The little sunflower heads are pathetic as they are  a smaller variety of sunflower.

I deadheaded my three knock out roses this morning.  It was difficult to do as the bushes had already started to rebud and I had to watch for those buds and not cut them off the stem.  I got a waste basket full of scrap rose heads and cut out a few volunteer trees.  It was too hot to be out there so when I finished I just came inside and rested.  Deadheading rose bushes causes my lower back to hurt so I just had to quit even though I have four roses to go.  

We went out for breakfast this morning and we picked up my meds that were ready for me.  I had one blueberry pancake and brought the other two home for two more breakfasts. A diabetic can have a four inch pancake only and the ones I get usually still shoot my blood numbers up too high anyway.  I can't imagine what would happen if I ate all three of them in one setting. The cooks at the place sometime make thin pancakes and some other cooks give me nice thick ones.  

We are in for the rest of the day as anything above 80°F is too hot.  We are at 88°F right now and this is a cooler day compared to yesterday.  I hear someone mowing their yard right now but I don't understand why unless they think they need to neaten up the look of a dormant grass yard.  Mine can just stay shaffy for a while more.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. The flowers are beautiful! Your faded zinnias are almost perfect for getting seeds if you want! My sunflowers really struggled also. But the goldfinches are having a great time with them.


  2. Your Morning Glories look like they have lost the battle with the heat. Hope you stay cool, we have cooled down up here:)
