Friday, August 11, 2023

Friday's Finds......

 It is noon and it is 91° F. already.  I carried by wheel barrow some bags of much to the down hill side of my lot.  I moved four different iris today moving them out a wet clay area into a drier and black soil area. It is the wrong time to move iris but I do it anyway.  I water everything for a couple of weeks getting the roots well established in their better soil.  Where the iris was a good idea until the peonies matured and the blooms of the iris could not be seen with out walking to the back of the bed on my neighbor's property.

A glad decides to sprout through the wire.   I will trim it off soon and bring it inside and put it in a vase. 

A few small fungi have sprouted up in my yard.  I have never seen this kind before.  It is an area where I planted a stepping stone.  The whole property originally was a corn field so I see all sorts of things that come up in the yard.  Weeds that I do recognize from farm fields do sprout up often. 

A quarter of an inch of rain helps keep things growing.  The hydrangea keeps putting out some bloom. 

The yellow rose is showing off good blooms in bunches again.  It has been a good year for roses since I kept watering them through the drought. 

The neighbor mowed his yard today so I may have to do that tomorrow.  He always mows during the hottest time of the day.  I will mow in the morning.  It is good that I have some grass to mow.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy seeing your flowers! Especially the yellow roses:)
