Thursday, August 10, 2023

Things for Thursday....

 The seeds are now being able to be seen as the sunflower head develops. As the fuzz drops off the seeds will make their wonderful pattern visible.  I think that is called the divine ratio as the spiral is perfect in its packed rows of seeds. 

The morning chores included digging up this day lily.  It was in an area where it couldn't be seen because of the peony bushes and a Japanese flag iris.   It also is a soggy area as all the water from my neighbors drain pipes of the eave trough runs right down through the area.  I have replanted them in two spots for now and one more bunch will be done tomorrow. I can't figure out where to plant it. 


 I continually fight this wild vine in the garden.  The seed pods look like this and I can seem to fine it on the net. My dad called it wild hops.  There is a milkweed liquid when I break it away from the very invasive vine. 

I ventured to Ace this morning and bought bags of mulch and one bag of raised bed soil.  I also found a bag of orchid mix to use to replant our three orchids.  I loaded the truck myself so I will wait to unload them as I need them on another day.  It has become hot outside so I am done for the day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That vine sounds like a climbing Milkweed Vine. They climb and have pods like that.

    Bees and Monarchs like the flowers from what I understand.

    Sounds like you have a lot of work to do! I don't do hard labor in the mid day heat either. That is a good time for reading a book or listening to music!

  2. My best guess is that it is some kind of climbing and viny milkweed. Get all the pods you can and get rid of them!
