Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Light Rain.....

 It is junky looking when the grill dominates our small deck.  The photo shows you we are getting a light rain.  One quarter of an inch is welcomed even though we are actually 6.5 inches behind in rainfall this summer. I didn't want to invest in flowers for my planter this year so there are some zinnias in there.  It is pathetic looking but it is what it is.

This is my yellow tomato variety.  I have a tag with a name on it but it is buried under the grass mulch.  I will dig it out sooner or later. I, of course,  had forgotten that I bought this but I am glad that I did.

Many older people than me use to call these good "slicers" but I am trying to not be so old.  I guess I am glad they cut up so great and they were good to eat.  They do remind me of the old fashion yellow ones my parents grew when I was a kid. 

The water droplets on the flower are a good thing.  I don't think these morning glories ever were rained on naturally.  I have had to water them almost every day because they are in the sun in the afternoon. 

I watered these cone flowers yesterday so they must be glad to get more real rain today.   This is my darkest colored variety of cone flowers. They really have struggled but look like they may now multiply. 

It feels like Tuesday but I see it really is Wednesday.  Middle of the week and I haven't really accomplished much so far.  It is good to take it easy.  Thanks for checking in today.

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